Online showrooms are a must. The business of automobile sales is not what it once was. As consumers get more information online than ever before, it’s becoming increasingly vital for automobile dealerships to step up their game.

Dealers must ensure they have everything they need to compete in the modern market. This process includes ramping up their online showcase footprint. One of the best ways they can do this is by improving their online presence.

People are getting increasingly comfortable with the idea of shopping for and buying cars online, and independent auto dealers have a unique opportunity to cash in on this trend.

Ways Independent Auto Dealers Should be Ramping Up Their Online Showrooms

The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) conducted a study and found that F&I (finance and insurance) profits rose 58% on new cars sold among the dealerships that responded to the survey. That number is for independent auto dealerships with an online showroom versus 35% of the dealerships that don’t offer digital retailing.

What that means is that if your dealership is not showcasing your available inventory online, you are losing business. Here is what the successful independent auto dealers are doing.

Bringing the Physical Showroom to Life Online

Independent auto dealers must give shoppers a comprehensive online experience. Your dealership must do this by replicating its physical showroom. This experience should enable customers to see as much of each car as possible, including features and safety information. Using eye-catching images and video allows buyers to see a clear picture of the entire vehicle.

Embracing F&I in Your Online Showroom

F&I is an area of business that hasn’t changed in ages. These products generate a significant portion of a retailer’s gross margin. The standard finance process is a chief source of customer discontentment. It leads to poor CSI scores and often chargebacks. Buyers want to understand their F&I options so that they feel they are making an informed decision about what products are right for them.

Maximize Your Online Showroom by Ramping Up with Vantage Finance

If your dealership is struggling to attract buyers, you may want to consider ramping up your online showroom. The internet has become an essential part of the car-buying process, with 86% of car buyers turning to the internet to research their next car purchase. If you want to compete in today’s marketplace, you need to make your dealership available online.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to make your showroom online-friendly. You can quickly build a functional online showroom and attract more customers.

Your dealership is ready to improve sales and close more deals. Contact us at Vantage Finance, where we connect you with the right vehicle financing for your dealership.